Yield Table Meta - Esche


id title countries type source yield_class_step age_step tree_type
12 Esche
Open yield table
  • AT
  • DE
dgz_100 unknown 1.0 10 deciduous

Available columns:

  • id The unique identifier of the yield table.
  • yield_class The yield class.
  • age The age in years.
  • dominant_height The dominant height in m.
  • average_height The average height in m.
  • dbh The diameter at breast height in cm.
  • taper The tree taper.
  • trees_per_ha The number of trees per hectare.
  • basal_area The basal area in m2.
  • volume_per_ha The volume per hectare in vfm.
  • average_annual_age_increment The average annual increment up to a certain age in volume per hectare vfm.
  • total_growth_performance The total growth performance in volume per hectare vfm.
  • current_annual_increment The current annual increment in volume per hectare vfm.
  • mean_annual_increment The mean annual increment in volume per hectare vfm.