Wiedemann Erle Baden-Wuerttemberg

Available columns:

  • id The unique identifier of the yield table.
  • yield_class The yield class.
  • age The age in years.
  • volume_per_ha The volume per hectare in vfm.


Yield class: 4

id yield_class age volume_per_ha
137 4 20 30.0
137 4 30 67.0
137 4 40 96.0
137 4 50 120.0
137 4 60 139.0
137 4 70 152.0
137 4 80 163.0
137 4 90 169.0

Yield class: 6

id yield_class age volume_per_ha
137 6 20 63.0
137 6 30 121.0
137 6 40 161.0
137 6 50 188.0
137 6 60 206.0
137 6 70 219.0
137 6 80 227.0
137 6 90 236.0

Yield class: 8

id yield_class age volume_per_ha
137 8 20 107.0
137 8 30 177.0
137 8 40 224.0
137 8 50 254.0
137 8 60 276.0
137 8 70 293.0
137 8 80 308.0
137 8 90 319.0